United Benefice of Thornhill & Whitley Lower
Serving our local communities
Focus Groups and committes
Our Churchwardens for 2022-23 are Diane Goodwin and Brian Pearson see Contacts page
Meetings of the Parochial Church Council are held every other month on the third Monday at church, links to the minutes and reports can be found in the sub menu
In between meetings a series of sub groups meet to plan our activities and mission. These play a large part in the ongoing mission and development part of the work of the church in the community
see whole document here
Outreach Group-Chair Brian Pearson- deals with social and fundraising events; encouraging awareness and use of the building; publicising events and advertising.
Missions and Charities Group-Chair Linda Rawson and Marion Crowther -aim to promote parish events which highlight the work of missions and charities, by raising awareness and by organising charity fund-raising events and collections as appropriate. We look to help and support local / parish representatives of charitable organisations. We respond to emergency appeals as well as organising ongoing events throughout the year. Responsible also for Fairtrade awareness We support both Christian and secular charities, seeing it as promoting the teaching of Jesus through practical action. See here for our latest appeals
Giving and Stewardship Group Chair Rector Convenor John Halliday
Has oversight of the responsible Stewardship of Thornhill Parish Church. Its aim is to promote and raise awareness of the need for generous giving of resources, money, time and talents to support and encourage God’s Kingdom in the Parish we serve. The group will provide a platform and give support to the Treasurer, Giving Officer and Gift Aid Officer and other focus groups in the area of stewardship. It will create opportunities for stewardship to be brought into the worship of the Church. This is a strategic group and only meets twice a year.
Ministry Group- Chair- Rector This is not simply the clergy organising the services! We whole-heartedly support the concept of lay ministry. In this group we seek to work alongside the clergy in furthering the spiritual well being and and spiritual development of the parish.
Families Group chair - Rector oversees and organises Messy Church. It offers Pastoral care for weddings and baptisms and follow up. It acts as the main contact point for schools.
Pastoral Group-Elaine Wilkes Bereavement care and visiting. The sick at Home and Hospital Looking out for those who are absent. Elderly and Years mind contact. Keeping records Adding to prayer focus. Inviting to memorial service .Transport – getting people to church.
Fabric Group - building and churchyard chair Brian Pearson Maintenance and development of building and grounds Churchyard upkeep. Developing and overseeing renewal projects including applications for faculties and grants
Quinquennial Report 2022
Quinquennial Inspection Report 2017 here
Model Diocesan Environmental Policy 2019 click here